Lembongan Diary: Sunday 17 September 2023

The daily diary is more of a figment of my imagination that anything else. I shall follow the lead of the book i’m picking up from time to time at the moment, “A Bookshop In Algiers” where his diary entries happen once every couple of weeks and are in the main a quick detailing of his dealings with moody French writers escaping Vichy France. It puts me of mind to open up a small bookshop and printing house in Lembongan. But, as always, if only i had a benefactor .

I have taken to writing an imaginary balearic 12″ ep all about Lembongan and have knocked out 2 sets of lyrics already that have been shared with a producer musician in Hastings (where else!) I think he thinks i have lost my marbles.

These two are bound to be hits- I’m imagining a euro balearic pop vibe

Song 1 : Shazam me at the beach bar 

Shazam me at the beach bar 

I don’t know that song




Gilli isles



Shazam me at the beach bar 

I Love That Laid Back Vibe




Gilli isles



Shazam me at the beach bar 

Shazam me at the beach bar 

Rocking The Beachside Sound

Shazam me at the beach bar 




Gilli isles




Song 2 : Get Me To The Ceremony On Time 

Another day in Lembongan

Another day in Lembongan

Sun, sand & sea

But I’m late for the ceremony

Ancestors must have my testimony

Brother I need your scooter

I hear the crow of the rooster

I’m Late For The Ceremony

My ancestors must have my testimony

Another day in Lembongan

Another day in Lembongan

Sun, sand & sea

I’m Late For The Ceremony

It’ll be ancestor acrimony

Brother I need your scooter

I hear the crow of the rooster

Another day in Lembongan

Another day in Lembongan


2 more songs to be written, coming soon could be a top hit about roosters or manta rays


Talking of other species, i live with a number of other friends and made a new one last night.

There’s the invisible mice family, the not so invisible rather large rat that scurries around most of the night and then Gerald the giant gecko who makes great nightime entertainment if you turn on the outside lights to attract the moths and bugs. He’ll suddenly appear outside of a window and the show begins as he chases unfortunate bugs to their inevitable death. He’s not your common & garden mini gecko but as big as a forearm so those insects don’t have a chance .

Last night as I sat on  the sofa making a podcast i heard a little croak that made me doubletake. Yes it was a rather large frog who had appeared out of somewhere and was happily hopping along. He / she  knew exactly where they were going.. hopped along parallel to the sliding doors then made a sharp left and straight out into the night. I do hope that i have a family of frogs in the house that’ll keep the mosquitos at bay.

Yesterday whilst riding around discovering some more of the back roads of the island i came across two interesting pieces of architecture, both quite out of place and unexpected.

The first, i presume, is standard workers temporary living accomodation built all over the island to house those building luxury villas for the Bules. The colours made it very striking and worth a photograph

The second is a purpose built art gallery that i didn’t even know existed on the island.