Today the whippersnipper arrived silently early in the morning after 6 weeks of waiting.
There was meant to be a gardner attached to the whippersnipper but the temerity of asking him to do a job outside his day to day job at an undefined mini resort somewhere on the island caused a huge fracture with management and he stormed off with both the cook and housekeeper in tow.
I always wanted to do the gardening myself anyway so its no skin off my nose.
The smell of cut grass is the same anywhere on the planet and always brings back other places and times making the sweat and sore lower back perfectly bearable. They definitely make a smaller snipper in this part of the world.
Other chores included a trip to the market for some small fish to deep fry for dinner and the usual selection of vegetables; tomatoes ( note to self don’t let the stall holder choose again – some rather soggy ones) a cucumber, a handful of asian long aubergine, mini red onions, one large onion, some large red chillis but no potatoes they are just a tad pricy at the moment. A drop off to Agatha laundry but the pillowcases had to go soemwhere else in order to get them back today. Agatha or agatha’s sisters, cousins, daughters? dry the clothers the old fashioned way on a line which means although we haven’t had a spot of rain in the last 70- days it does take a minimum of 3 days before one can pick up one’s excellently laundered and ironed clothing, sheets and towels.
The dribs and drabs of the weekend wedding party on Bali turned up today with plenty of whatsapping from Sanur port requesting motorcycle hire information, luckily Panther is always only too happy to pounce on Bule $’s so 2 bikes and four helmets were delivered within 90 minutes to Shambala villas. Everybody is happy except me, my scooter looks as though it has been cobbled together by Heath Robinson and is certainly not the shiny example advertised below on facebook.
I think the rat poison may have worked its magic. It is the first evening in months i haven’t heard scurrying above my head. I hate to do it but seeing rats running around the house really won’t work for some of my more faint hearted visitors.