New Release – Metal Postcard Records – K Board & The Skreens – Microdoze ep



Crazy Pants Mountain Man
Song For The End Of The Summer
Stupid Country

Here at Metal Postcard we say this is the most Hot Chip thing we’ve heard since Hot Chip but with extra added Italo pop electro genius

Please, people wake up to K. Board & The Skreens

KB&TS go psychedelic? Not quite, as they’ve always been kinda out there. But this time they wear their sleeves on their cards. Or the other way around. Whatever. That’s not the point. The point is that it took so long to concoct these songs that the whole experience has been a trip in itself.

You see, KB&TS don’t live together like hippies in a commune, they’re not even neighbors. In fact they live some hundreds of kilometers apart. Two of them live in the grey city (noise, machines, dogshit, exhaust, cocktails and business) the other two live up there in the hills (trees, birds of prey, wood smoke, cold mornings, silence, weekenders and freeclimbers).

Still the connection, the bond, is very strong and flows through ways unseen, gurgling and sprouting though intermittent. Yet this time a tree was blocking the water flowing, the flux was not fluxing properly.

So we took our time. And we all went to the woods. And got a bit lost. And we napped. And then we found our way.