Lembongan Diary: Sunday 17 September 2023

Lembongan Diary: Sunday 17 September 2023

The daily diary is more of a figment of my imagination that anything else. I shall follow the lead of the book i’m picking up from time to time at the moment, “A Bookshop In Algiers” where his diary entries happen once every couple of weeks and are...
Lembongan Diary: Thursday 14 September 2023

Lembongan Diary: Thursday 14 September 2023

A quiet day at Art Joglo Lembongan. Endless boring computer work to scrape together some $’s and a mildly interesting conversation with a guy who runs a cannabis branding and retail business in Southern California. Luckily for the podcast he had a grip on...
Lembongan Diary: Wednesday 13 September 2023

Lembongan Diary: Wednesday 13 September 2023

Another few days go missing in diary writing as a solution to money issues had to be found. Presuming it was the usual ATM out of cash issue when pumping in my card to the whirring machines of Lembongan ( it’s a lottery here, you never know if and when your card...
Lembongan Diary: Sunday 10 September 2023

Lembongan Diary: Sunday 10 September 2023

It didn’t take long to break my own promise to myself and fail to write my diary entries for 2 nights in row. The poor excuse(s) of guests in the house, cooking and making music podcasts will have to do. Here are the happy couple recently betrothed in last...
Lembongan Diary: Thursday 7 September 2023

Lembongan Diary: Thursday 7 September 2023

Food shopping day today. I try to keep this activity to one or maximum, 2 days a week, as a couple of  months into my island sojurn I have learnt that each item on the shopping list usually means a visit to a different location and increasingly I’m ascertaining...
Lembongan Diary: Wednesday 6 September 2023

Lembongan Diary: Wednesday 6 September 2023

The whippersnipper saga continues. Prospective buyers are coming Thursday to view the Joglo so my Perth based landlady was on the whatsapp by 7am checking if I’d been hard at work. I had as the photograph testifies.   Pleased as i am with my clearing of the...